ankle osteoarthritis

Management of bunion pain

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There are several home remedies that can help manage the bunion pain. Always bear in mind that a bunion develops from deformity in the first joint of the big toe. The deformity can cause the joint to stiffen and become sore which makes walking or other physical activities painful.

Most cases of bunions do not require surgical intervention unless there is an underlying deformity that could not be corrected or if the pain is too intense for the individual to bear. The doctor might also recommend treatment options that are more aggressive.

  • It is recommended to wear shoes that have flexible, wide shoes and toe box with adequate space. If possible, the individual should wear sandals to minimize any pain felt. In case the shoe has a back, just make sure that it has a rigid heel counter to keep the heel of the foot in place. When wearing heels, the back of the foot should be elevated by no more than an inch. Remember that the higher the heel, the more pressure is placed on the front part of the foot that can worsen the bunion pain.
  • Wrap or cover the bunion with a gel-filled pad or moleskin to prevent it from rubbing against the other toes or against the top or side of the shoe.
    Bunion pain
    Most cases of bunions do not require surgical intervention unless there is an underlying deformity that could not be corrected or if the pain is too intense for the individual to bear.
  • It is vital to utilize shoe inserts or semi-soft orthotics that helps with the positioning of the foot properly while running, walking or jogging.
  • Use a splint at night to maintain the toes in a straight position. The splint works by preventing the toes from bending or chafing against each other to reduce the bunion pain.
  • Reduce the bunion pain by encouraging the individual to soak his/her foot in warm water, apply ice packs and providing him/her with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin.

Important considerations when dealing with bunion pain

In case home remedies for the bunion are not effective in alleviating the pain, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor so that further assessment and proper treatment can be started.

Other treatment options such as ultrasound therapy, whirlpools and massage can also help alleviate the bunion pain. The early indications of a developing bunion include a dull, deep pain in the joint of the big toe, pain on the side or top of the big toe while wearing shoes or evident movement of the big toe towards the other toes.

If the individual has bunions, he/she must avoid wearing flip flops. In addition, practicing certain yoga poses such as the downward-facing dog or side-angle pose can help minimize the bunion pain.

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