Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

In Canada, there is a nationwide system focused on occupational safety and health called Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System or WHMIS. It is regulated by local and nationwide health authorities to ensure that all businesses and occupations that expose workers to hazardous materials receive WHMIS training. The training program for WHMIS is available all over Canada, but selected training providers are endorsed by the health authorities because of their high quality programs. Victoria First Aid is one of these providers, offering WHMIS training online and in classroom set-ups.

WHMIS training at Victoria First Aid

If you work with hazardous materials and need to take Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training, Victoria First Aid has two courses to offer you. Both of them are WHMIS training courses, but one is completed in a classroom set-up and the other is completed online.

The classroom WHMIS program runs for four hours, available monthly. There are six units involved in training, with a short test after every unit. We store these results so students can apply for a new certificate from us if ever they lose their old one without having to take the program again. This program costs 50 dollars.

The online WHMIS programs runs shorter, for approximately three hours. Like the classroom-type program, it has six modules. After every module, the student has to pass the short test in order to move on to the next module. This program is quite popular because students get to control the pace of their learning, as well as the schedule of tackling each module. The online program costs 30 dollars.

WHMIS Curriculum

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System is actually a set of symbols used on hazardous materials containers. If you work in transportation, packaging, or even disposal of hazardous wastes, you will notice different symbols on each large container. These symbols are used to describe and identify the containers contents to protect the worker handling and storing it. In a WHMIS course, students are taught all these symbols and their respective meanings, ensuring safe storage and handling of all controlled substances should they be tasked in directly handling the container.

All thirteen provinces in Canada are required to regulate WHMIS training in their respective areas. Any business or occupation that handles controlled substances are required by law to receive WHMIS training and certification.

WHMIS credentials

Upon passing all the tests and the final exam, we award students with a WHMIS training credential. Unlike other training certificates for first aid and CPR, this credential doesn’t have an expiration date, nor are students required to take refresher classes after a certain period of time.

Signing up for WHMIS training is pretty easy. Victoria First Aid has made an application form available below. It can be filled out and submitted anytime you are free (no downloads necessary). We process all applications sent to us during business hours from 8 AM to 5 PM. You can expect a call or e-mail to confirm your enrollment during the next business day.

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