Allergy to raisins

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Raisins have been considered as a natural sweet treat but might not be enjoyed if an individual has an allergic reaction after consumption of the dried fruit. It is important to note that raisins are made out of dried grapes and not considered as a common food allergen, but any food is capable of triggering an allergic reaction.

It is also possible that if an individual is allergic to mold, he/she can also develop an allergic reaction after consumption of raisins. It is recommended to schedule an appointment with a doctor in order to determine the exact cause of the symptoms.

Close look on raisin allergy

An allergy to raisin occurs once the immune system identifies the proteins in raisin as a threat. The immune system functions to protect the body against infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses and toxins. Once the immune system wrongly identifies the proteins in raisins as a threat, antibodies are produced to eliminate the substance. Immunoglobulins E (IgE) are the specific antibodies generated by the body to fight off the allergens. Take note that these antibodies instigate a chemical chain reaction throughout the body that is responsible for triggering most of the distinctive allergy symptoms.

If the individual experiences chest tightness after eating raisins, it can indicate an allergic reaction.

What are the symptoms?

The signs and symptoms of raisin allergy are caused by an increase in the amount of histamine in the soft tissues. The IgE antibodies communicate with the white blood cells situated in the soft tissues which generate histamine to protect the body.

The histamine causes the blood vessels to dilate while the lungs constrict and the production of mucus is increased. These changes in the body can cause nasal congestion, watery eyes, runny nose, wheezing, breathing difficulty, chest tightness, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, hives, eczema, lightheadedness and changes in the heart rate.

Connection with mold allergy

Mold allergy is considered common but usually categorized with hay fever or an airborne allergy. Take note that mold is present in different places and even present in some dried fruits including raisins. If an individual has a known mold allergy, a doctor should be consulted regarding an elimination food diet. Once an individual is allergic to mold, he/she might be able to eat grapes but not raisins due to the possible presence of mold in the raisins.


Once the exact cause of the allergy is determined, the doctor will recommend the avoidance of all known allergens. If the individual accidentally ingests raisins or mold spores, he/she can take over-the-counter antihistamine to help minimize the symptoms. Other medications used in managing this type of allergy include pain medications, decongestants and topical steroid creams. Remember that it is still best to consult a doctor first before using any of these medications in managing the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

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