P. Fray

As a chiropractor with years of experience in the field, Paul Fray has handled a variety of musculoskeletal related conditions specifically involving the spine. In his field of work, he has witnessed how various conditions affect the lives of individuals. He decided to share some basic preventive and care measures associated to the conditions/injuries that he handles. Paul Fray is a contributor to several online sources of health-related topics. He focuses on basic first aid care which is useful for individuals in various fields, whether at home, school or in the workplace.

Toxic megacolon

Toxic megacolon

Toxic megacolon is defined as distention of the large intestines that develops within a few days and can be dangerous. Generally, it is a usual issue if an individual has inflammatory bowel condition. It is important to note that certain conditions can result to the dysfunction of the large intestine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb_RXbthr64 What are the causes? […]

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Hand cramps

Hand cramps

Hand cramps can cause discomfort either intermittently or chronic. Once cramping occurs, it is difficult to create a fist or bring the fingers together. What are the causes? Generally, some of the usual causes of hand cramps include the following: Low magnesium – at first, magnesium helps in preventing muscle cramps. Dehydration – lack of

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