Are you allergic to whole milk?

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Milk is considered as one of the common foods that can cause a high percentage of allergic reactions. An actual allergy to milk is an allergic reaction to one or both of the proteins present in milk – casein and whey. Both whey and casein are present in any kind of milk whether skim or whole. An actual milk allergy can cause respiratory, digestive and skin reactions including hives. It can even progress to anaphylactic shock which is a dangerous reaction.

Difference between an allergy and intolerance

If the individual experiences abdominal pain, gas, bloating and intestinal distress after consumption of whole milk, without the respiratory symptoms such as coughing, runny nose or hives, it is only considered as lactose intolerance.

Allergy to whole milk
As for the respiratory symptoms, it includes congestion, runny nose, coughing and sneezing.

As for an actual allergy, it can trigger various symptoms such as runny nose, wheezing, hives, vomiting and gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and diarrhea. The symptoms of milk allergy can be severe after consumption of processed foods that are comprised of concentrated milk protein such as casein or whey than drinking ordinary whole milk.

What are the causes of an allergic reaction to whole milk?

The immune system of an individual who is allergic to whole milk perceives the protein present in milk as a threat to the body. The body will trigger the release of the antibodies that bind with the allergens while histamine that is produced is responsible for triggering the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

There are various proteins present in the beverage which includes whey or casein. Take note that whole milk is comprised of whey, curds and all proteins that can cause an allergic response. Most children can eventually outgrow milk allergies includes those who have a history of severe reactions.

What are the symptoms of milk allergy?

An allergic reaction to whole milk can occur in a span of a few minutes up to several hours after the consumption of milk. Itchiness, hives, facial flushing and rashes are the common skin reactions. As for the respiratory symptoms, it includes congestion, runny nose, coughing and sneezing. The gastrointestinal symptoms include diarrhea, cramps, nausea and vomiting.

In case the individual experiences breathing difficulty and a feeling that the throat is swelling, you have to consult a doctor immediately since it can indicate a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock. By enrolling in an emergency course in Victoria today, you are prepared to handle this type of allergic response.

Elimination diet

An individual who is truly allergic to milk that has been determined by a skin prick test or other exam conducted by a doctor, the allergy is not limited to whole milk. Take note that ice cream, buttermilk, skim milk and yogurt can also cause an allergic reaction. Processed and concentrated milk proteins are also present in different commercial foods including cakes, breads, snacks, cookies and frozen dinners. The individual must avoid processed foods that contain casein and whey.

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