Close look on abdominal adhesions?

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Abdominal adhesions are described as scar tissue that forms amidst the abdominal tissues and organs, usually the bowels. Generally, the organs and tissues have slippery surfaces that enable them to move easily inside the abdomen. The formation of these adhesions causes the intestines to adhere together.

Always bear in mind that abdominal surgeries are the main cause for the formation of abdominal adhesions.

What are the indications?

Always bear in mind that abdominal surgeries are the main cause for the formation of abdominal adhesions.

In most cases, there are no indications linked with the formation of abdominal adhesions. Nevertheless, the scar tissue might cause obstruction in the small bowel which causes nausea and vomiting.

How is it diagnosed?

There are no tests required to diagnose the adhesions. Take note that they could not be detected via any imaging techniques such as ultrasounds, X-rays or CT scans. Most cases of abdominal adhesions are found during future operations unless an obstruction has formed.


The treatment for abdominal adhesions is not usually required since most cases do not trigger any issues. Surgery is the only available treatment option to release any adhesions responsible for any obstruction.

It might be difficulty to prevent abdominal adhesions but the technique in which surgery is done can lower the risk for its formation.

During laparoscopic surgery, the abdomen is inflated using gas while specialized tools and a camera is introduced via small-sized incisions in the abdomen. The inflation of the abdomen allows the surgeon enough space to operate. In most instances, this approach can reduce the risk for adhesions. Nevertheless, the laparoscopic technique is not always a possible option compared to open surgery.

Are there any potential complications?

It is important to note that surgery can result to the formation of more adhesions and must be avoided if possible. Nevertheless, in some instances, surgical intervention is the only option, particularly in cases involving recurrent or persistent obstructions in the bowel.

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