Diabetic retinopathy

Eyelid twitching: Is there a link with potassium?

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Eyelid twitching can occur if there is spasm in one of the muscles that controls the movement of the eyelids. Once this occurs, the individual feels as if the eyelid twitching occurs uncontrollably, but observers do not usually detect the twitch. The spasms in the eyelid do not usually indicate a serious condition. Though certain factors might play a part in eyelid twitching, potassium does not have a recognized link to the condition.

Causes of eyelid twitching

Eyelid twitching typically occurs due to lack of sleep and stress, but one might also experience the twitching if he/she drank too much caffeine, alcoholic beverages or engages in smoking.

Aside from these possible causes, the low levels of magnesium can result to eyelid twitching since this nutrient has an essential role in muscle function. As for potassium, it does not have a similar effect on the body and the eyelid muscles.

What is the role of potassium?

Eye twitching
Eyelid twitching typically occurs due to lack of sleep and stress, but one might also experience the twitching if he/she drank too much caffeine, alcoholic beverages or engages in smoking.

The body requires potassium to conduct electrical impulses all over the body. It helps keep the heart and other vital systems functionally optimally. An average adult requires around 4,700 mg of potassium on a daily basis to perform all the necessary functions. Potassium is usually present in bananas or lima beans.

If the level of potassium is low, it will not result to muscle spasms such as eyelid twitching. A deficiency can result to symptoms such as cramping, weakness or paralysis.


In most circumstances, eyelid twitching will not require any form of treatment. It typically resolves within a few days, but the spasms might take up to 3 weeks to disappear.

If the individual experiences a spasm that causes the eyelid to close completely or there are spasms in the face or other body parts, a doctor should be consulted right away. In the same way, changes in the vision or comfort linked with the eyelid twitching also require immediate treatment.

Considerations to bear in mind

Once an individual has low levels of potassium, a doctor should be consulted. The blood is tested and if there is deficiency, it is recommended to use a daily supplement. It is not recommended to start with high dosages of potassium or other nutrients without consulting a doctor first since this can react with medications or current medical conditions.

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