Food poisoning caused by tilapia

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Tilapia is considered as a popularly eaten fish in different parts of the globe. It is important to note that tilapia is both a wild and farm-raised fish but those that are farm-raised are becoming the common source. Tilapia that has been safely prepared is vital in controlling and preventing food poisoning as well as other food-borne illnesses. If you want to learn more about the appropriate measures to carry out if an individual is suspected with food poisoning, you can enroll in a first aid class today.

Tilapia is considered as a good source of niacin, phosphorus, selenium, iron and vitamin B12. It is also rich in protein and cholesterol while low in sodium. It can also provide omega-3 fatty acids which are highly beneficial to the brain.


Illnesses that are caused by parasites are considered less common than food-borne illnesses triggered by viruses and bacteria. Nevertheless, these are considered as a significant source of fish-related food illness since parasites can contaminate water easily.

Food poisoning-tilapia
The toxicity symptoms include vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, fever and neurological symptoms.

It is important to note that anisakis simplex is a type of parasite that infects different fishes and can spread to humans once undercooked or raw fish is eaten. It is important to ensure to only obtain fish from clean waters and purchase from reputable sources in order to prevent these parasites from triggering food-borne illnesses.


Take note that seafood toxins could not be tasted or smelled. Freezing and cooking will not eliminate these toxins. It is vital to purchase fish from reputable sources to ensure that they are truly safe. Tilapia is not considered as toxin-producing fish but some of the microorganisms on the surface of the fish can oftentimes produce toxins. The toxicity symptoms include vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, fever and neurological symptoms.

Preventing food poisoning

Selecting, storing and preparing fish in a safe and correct manner is the ideal way to prevent food poisoning from occurring. Initially, do not purchase tilapia from sources that are not licensed. The fish must be refrigerated at 41 degrees or colder until it is ready to be used.

Do not purchase fish that already smells fishy since this indicates that the fish is already spoiled. As much as possible, avoid unintentionally contaminating other foods with the raw fish by storing it on the bottom shelf with a dish under the fish to catch any leaks.

If fresh tilapia was purchased, it must be served within two days after purchase or freezing it until it is ready to use. Always remember that frozen fish should not be allowed to thaw and re-frozen. When thawing the fish, make sure to thaw in the refrigerator or under cold running water.

Once the fish is cooked, always check to make sure that it is thoroughly cooked by inspecting if the fish flakes apart. The fish must be opaque or easily pulls apart. Once the fish is cooked, it must be served right away and keep it hot or cool it quickly.

Any leftovers must be refrigerated immediately and do not attempt to taste old food. Additionally, purchasing cooked fish products is discouraged since there is possibility of cross contamination that can cause food-borne illnesses.

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