
Heart disease: Potential risk in women

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Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among women all over the world as well as the usual cause of disability. In addition, heart disease in women is not often the same as in men. Most often, it is hard to diagnose and difficult to manage.

Once a women suspects that she is at risk for heart diseases or has a hereditary risk, it is best to consult a doctor so that further assessment can be carried out along with suitable tests.

Characteristic symptoms of heart disease in women

The most disturbing fact is that the symptoms of heart disease is quite different in women than in men. Women should be well aware of the basics when it comes to heart disease particularly how the condition behaves in women. The following are the distinct characteristics of heart disease in women:

Heart risk factors in women

Heart disease
Coronary artery disease is one of the prevalent forms of heart disease that affects both women and men.

The standard risk factors for heart disease is essentially is applicable to both men and women. Among women though, there are various additional factors that must be taken into consideration to prevent heart disease.

Symptoms in women

Women with heart disease often suffer from symptoms in a different manner than men and the doctor might be misled by these differences.

Among women, it is vital to be well aware of the ways in which the indications of heart disease vary from the symptoms described in the doctor’s sources.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) in women

Coronary artery disease is one of the prevalent forms of heart disease that affects both women and men. It is surprising to note that the condition behaves in a different way in women that can mislead doctors.

Heart failure in women

It is important to note that heart failure is a prevalent heart condition that have distinct features in women.

Other heart conditions

Aside from heart failure and coronary artery disease, there are other cardiovascular conditions present in women that are quite puzzling or ambiguous to doctors which includes palpitations, dysautonomias, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), inappropriate sinus tachycardia and mitral valve prolapse.

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