How to care for a minor sprained finger

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A sprained finger is a common injury in sports. The ligaments are composed of strong fibers that link the finger bones with one another and ensure solidity as the fingers flex and straighten.

A ligament sprain arises if these joints are overly stretched. A doctor should be consulted if the finger is damaged even if it is minor. The ligament might tear and accompanied by a fracture. The treatment for these injuries is based on the severity of the damage.

Close look on a sprained finger

The pain or discomfort might be worsened during the initial 24 hours after injury. The finger is swollen which makes it hard to move.

A sprained finger is categorized based on the seriousness of the ligament damage.

  • Grade 1 and 2 – there is damage to the ligament fiber but part of it remains intact.
  • Grade 3 – the ligament is fully torn

The indications of a ligament sprain are the same, regardless of the extent of damage. The pain or discomfort might be worsened during the initial 24 hours after injury. The finger is swollen which makes it hard to move. In some cases, bruising also develops. If an individual has a sprained finger ligament, there is a popping sound heard at the time of injury.

Minor sprains

Once a doctor is consulted and diagnosed with a minor finger sprain, there are several measures that can help the finger heal.

It is vital to stop any activity that aggravates the pain. Splint the affected finger to the next one or utilize a finger splint.

Apply an ice pack on the finger for 15-20 minutes for several times throughout the day during the initial 3 days after the injury.

The finger should be wrapped with an elastic bandage to lessen the swelling. Begin at the tip of the finger, partly covering the breadth of the bandage until the base of the finger is reached. Monitor for any changes in the skin color. In case the tip of the finger is bluish or gray or it starts to tingle, the bandage is too tight.

If allowed by the doctor, gently start bending the finger, working toward a full fist. Early movement is vital since stiffness after a ligament injury can become permanent if the finger has been immobile for long periods.

Disclaimer / More Information

The information posted on this page on a sprained finger is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn how it is properly managed, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Saskatoon, Victoria, Surrey, Mississauga, Winnipeg, Red Deer, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.

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