The adductor muscles can end up inflamed from overuse or after an injury. Generally, it results to pain and rigidity at the top part of the groin.
It is important to note that there are 5 adductor or groin muscles that are divided into short and elongated adductors. The main role of these muscles is to tug the legs together and utilized extensively in various activities such as horse riding, sprinting, football and hurdling.
The inflammation of the tendons that link the muscles to the bone can develop from overuse or from a previous injury such as a groin strain.
What are the indications?
- Groin pain at the upper part of the adductor muscles might spread down the leg.
- There is also pain or discomfort on resisted adduction of the hip or when it is pulled inwards.
- Discomfort or achiness on hip flexion with resistance or raising the thigh
- Achiness at an exact site on the bone within the groin region.
Groin pain at the upper part of the adductor muscles might spread down the leg. - Inability or difficulty running especially while changing directions or sprinting
Management of adductor inflammation
Self-care measures
- If adductor inflammation is suspected, it is vital that the individual will adequately rest. Remember that this is a vital component of treatment.
- Utilize cold therapy on the injury.
- Maintain the fitness level by cycling if it does not trigger pain or discomfort
A sports injury professional must be consulted to advise on a suitable rehabilitation regimen.
Medical care
- The doctor might prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to ease the discomfort and inflammation
- Laser treatment or ultrasound
- A rehabilitation program is started to avoid re-injury
- Sports massage can be performed to promote healing