How to prepare for spring allergies

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Spring is a much awaited time of the year for many with flowers popping everywhere and the lush greenery, but for some, it is a dreaded time of the time. With the lush greenery and abundant flowers, the level of pollen in the air increases substantially. This causes misery to those who have allergies since it triggers symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing and nasal congestion.

It is important to note that the severity of the spring allergies depend on the weather. Some of the factors that contribute include rain since it facilitates the growth of mold, the wind and warm weather.

Allergy medications

The doctor will recommend the early use of allergy medications. It simply means that before the pollen season arrives, the individual should be prepared with his/her medications. The longer the medication is in the body, the better it will work.

Spring allergies
With the lush greenery and abundant flowers, the level of pollen in the air increases substantially. This causes misery to those who have allergies since it triggers symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing and nasal congestion.

The medication might also depend on the activity level of the individual. If the individual follows a regular routine (car-office-house), he/she might not need to take as much. If the individual will spend some time mowing the yard or watching a baseball game in the field, more should be taken. If this is the case, an inter-nasal antihistamine can be used as a precautionary treatment even before going out.

Important measures to prevent spring allergies

Always keep the windows and doors in the house closed during the peak allergy time. This will help prevent pollen from entering the house. The same goes for vehicles by keeping the windows closed to prevent pollen from entering. Even though it seems tempting to ride with the windows down, you have to think twice.

Do not forget to change clothes and shower thoroughly after spending some time outdoors. This helps eliminate any pollen the adhered on the body and clothes. As for the shoes, they should be left outside or at least at the door so that pollen will not spread inside the house

In case a pet cat or dog spends a lot of time outside, good brushing can greatly help before it enters the house or simply wipe off with a damp towel. Remember that pollen can easily stick on the fur of pets.

In case your vehicle is parked outside and there is easy access to a hose, you have to rinse the hood off before going somewhere, particularly in the morning or if it has been parked for some time. Once you turn the car on, some of the pollen will enter via the air vents if the air conditioner is used, thus rinsing the vehicle will wash away some of the pollen before it sneaks inside.

Always watch out for the pollen count. All you have to do is to check it in the local news or reliable websites. If the pollen count is high, it is best to stay indoors.

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