How viral meningitis spreads

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A viral case of meningitis is basically a type of infection that affects the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord in humans. It is not as harsh as bacterial meningitis but still capable of causing symptoms and issues such as fever, neck stiffness, vomiting, rash, headache and general malaise. You can take a course on first aid today to properly manage these symptoms.

One way in which viral meningitis spreads is through droplets from the mucous membranes that can be transmitted or passed on to others. The condition can also spread via fecal and direct contamination, thus if an individual comes in direct contact with urine or stool, the individual will also become infected. Observing proper hand washing can help prevent acquiring viral meningitis in some cases.

Once the virus enters the respiratory tract, it can enter the body and the bloodstream. Within 24 hours, the symptoms will likely appear. The initial 10 days from acquiring meningitis is considered the most contagious period.

Viral disorders

Viral meningitis
It is not as harsh as bacterial meningitis but still capable of causing symptoms and issues such as fever, neck stiffness, vomiting, rash, headache and general malaise

In some cases of viral meningitis, it can spread with the help of a viral disorder. Certain diseases such as enterovirus, chickenpox, mumps, echovirus, Eppstein-Barr virus, measles and influenza can lead to viral meningitis. In case the disease starts to attack the immune system of the individual and the body could not fight it off properly, viral meningitis will surely occur.

Most of these diseases will start off to run its normal course. In case someone starts to develop certain complications, the symptoms will worsen or the individual will notice the presence of fever or have flu-like symptoms that will worsen as the days go by. Unlike with the bacterial cause, most cases of viral meningitis could not be properly managed due to the buildup of resistance to antibiotics. Those who have the condition can heal throughout the course of 7 days but fatigue and headache can last up to 30 days.


In some cases, insects are the cause of the spread of viral meningitis among humans. This can occur when the insect is carrying the virus known as the arbovirus. An individual might be bitten by an insect in order to contract meningitis. Fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches and some spiders can carry the virus that will later on lead to meningitis.

Even rodents can also carry the virus called the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus that even on rare cases can cause viral meningitis among humans. It is best to stay away from rodents and their droppings in order to prevent the transmission of the disease.

By using an insect spray and protective clothing, these will prevent the outdoor insects from causing bites. In case fleas are present in large amounts inside the house or outdoors, proper treatment of the area can control and eliminate the flea population in order to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.

In case the symptoms are severe, it is best to consult a doctor so that proper assessment and treatment options can be carried out as soon as possible.

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