Hepatitis C


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Hypotension occurs when the heart is relaxed where the pressure is lower. Remember that as blood is driven by the heart all over the body, the pressure with which it pushes against the blood vessel walls changes. A blood pressure reading below 90/60 is measured as low blood pressure.


Is it an issue?

In some individuals, hypotension is an indication of good health. These are generally individuals who are fit and have a slow pulse rate. Among other individuals, low blood pressure is an issue.

Remember that it is better to have hypotension than high blood pressure since those who have a lower reading are expected to lead longer lives.


An individual with postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension has a normal blood pressure while being seated or lying down but abruptly drops upon standing which causes dizziness or lightheadedness.

The signs and symptoms of hypotension can include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Fainting

In some cases, there are no symptoms and hypotension is often identified as a result of a routine medical assessment or during the course of another medical condition.

Low blood pressure is more serious among the elderly who have underlying conditions or might be at risk for falls.

Causes of hypotension

  • Overheated either from the weather, hot showers or baths or wearing several layers of clothes
  • Diminished amount of circulating blood either from donating blood, being dehydrated or bleeding significantly
  • Pregnant
  • Under severe pain
  • Using certain types of medications
  • Having conditions of the nervous system or endocrine system
  • Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages or using prohibited drugs
  • Certain heart conditions
  • Those who are seriously sick with an infection
  • Having an allergic reaction

An individual with postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension has a normal blood pressure while being seated or lying down but abruptly drops upon standing which causes dizziness or lightheadedness.

If an individual has indications stated above, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Management of hypotension

If hypotension has an underlying cause and results to issues, treatment might be needed to deal with the underlying condition. In case there are no issues, treatment is not necessary.

The doctor might instruct the individual to take the necessary precautions to prevent episodes of hypotension such as avoiding hot showers, standing up rapidly or preventing dehydration.

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