Indications of advanced-stage rheumatoid arthritis

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There are various types of arthritis that affects millions of individuals all over the globe. One of the common forms is rheumatoid arthritis which is described as a progressive form of the disease that triggers pain and eventually results to the deformity in the affected joints. This form of arthritis is a chronic disorder that affects millions of individuals in different parts of the globe and the advanced stage usually have some of the common symptoms.

Close look on rheumatoid arthritis

It is important to note that the covering of the joints becomes swollen in both small and large joints among those who have rheumatoid arthritis. Initially, the disease is only temporary and affects the toes and fingers with extreme pain and tenderness. The condition typically vanishes for some time in between flare-ups.

One of the common forms is rheumatoid arthritis which is described as a progressive form of the disease that triggers pain and eventually results to the deformity in the affected joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the feet, hands, ankles and wrists but it can target any joint in the body.

Advancing state

After some time, the lining or synovial turns dense and the inflammation will start on the opposite side of the body aside from the original sore areas. In case the right middle finger is involved, the left middle finger is also sore. The joints start to change in appearance as small-sized lumps form beneath the skin where the arthritis progresses.

What are the signs and symptoms?

During the advanced stages of rheumatoid arthritis, the individual may experience a low-grade fever and there is difficulty sleeping due to the constant pain. Many individuals feel sick and fatigued by the early afternoon after struggling with this condition.

After being seated in one place for less than an hour, those who have the advanced stage of rheumatoid arthritis will start to feel even stiffer and have difficulty getting up. The individual might also experience difficulty in breathing and even chest pain or discomfort. Soreness around the eyes and a dry mouth are other common symptoms of the advanced disease.

The sore joints start to appear red and warm to the touch. The joints become swollen which makes the hands and other affected areas tender and puffy. The individual will start to lose weight as the disease progresses and attacks other joints in the body. An evident indication of advanced-stage rheumatoid arthritis is crooked fingers that could not be uncurled.


Prompt and early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis can slow down the progression of the condition and delay the severe symptoms. There are anti-inflammatory drugs available over-the-counter that is often used in managing the early symptoms of the disease.

The prescription-strength steroids, immunosuppressants and anti-rheumatic drugs are utilized as the condition progresses. There are also exercises that help strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint since these can help minimize the inflammation. In addition, a splint can be used to secure the joint in place to minimize the pain.

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