Mold allergy management

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Mold allergy might be difficult to prevent. It is important to note that fungus can thrive in the bathroom, basement, cabinets beneath a leaking sink or in piles of dead leaves in the garden or lawn.

Once the small-sized mold spores become airborne, they can trigger an allergic reaction among individuals with mold allergy.

What are the indications?

If an individual is suspected with mold allergy or experiences similar symptoms that are persistent, a doctor must be consulted.

The indications of mold allergy strikingly resemble other respiratory allergies such as:

  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy throat
  • Irritated eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing

Always bear in mind that mold can trigger or worsen the symptoms of asthma.

Management of mold allergy

If an individual is suspected with mold allergy or experiences similar symptoms that are persistent, a doctor must be consulted. A skin test or blood test can be used to determine the specific allergy.

When it comes to mold allergy, one can identify the source by tracking the symptoms over a 2-week period along with the locations that the individual has been. Exposure to mold can occur anywhere – inside the house, outdoors or in the workplace.

Decongestants and antihistamines can alleviate the symptoms. It is also important to plan beforehand and use a dust mask or preventatively use allergy medications if expected to be around sources of mold.

Other vital measures in reducing mold in the house include the following:

  • Any leaks or spills should be quickly cleaned up to prevent mold from growing.
  • Use exhaust fans or dehumidifiers to reduce the moisture and humidity level in bathrooms or other rooms in the house.
  • Garbage cans and refrigerator drip pans should be cleaned regularly.
  • The gutters must be regularly cleaned and ensure that the drainage flows away from the foundation of the house.
  • Consult professional services to thoroughly clean up any mold in the house.

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