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Neck rashes: What are the possible causes?

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Neck rashes can manifest as a localized, reddened itchy bumps or cause widespread breakouts. Individuals who suffer from neck rashes typically have other associated signs and symptoms such as peeling, tenderness and dry skin.

In most circumstances, the neck rashes develop from skin conditions or as a reaction to exposure to an irritating substance but can also indicate a serious condition. A doctor must be consulted so that further assessment can be performed to properly manage the root of the rashes.

Heat rash

One of the main causes of neck rashes are heat rashes. This type of rash develops after excessive perspiration during warm weather. Generally, perspiration disperses on its own but under harsh environmental circumstances; the perspiration might be trapped below the skin and cause blockage of the sweat glands.

Prickly or itchy skin, inflammation, reddened bumps and diminished sweating of the affected area can occur due to the blocked sweat glands. Young children and those who work in warm environments are more likely to develop heat rash.

The usual sites where heat rashes develop include the elbows, neck, upper chest and under the breasts. It is recommended to wear lightweight clothes and avoid using ointments that blocks the pores.

Neck rashes from dermatitis

Neck rashes
One of the main causes of neck rashes are heat rashes. This type of rash develops after excessive perspiration during warm weather.

Various forms of dermatitis can affect the skin in a different way. This condition involves inflammation of the skin that develops due to exposure to allergens, irritants, health issues and genetics.

If it affects the neck, it is usually due to contact dermatitis. In most cases, it occurs after direct contact with allergens or irritants that trigger irritation. The usual irritants and allergens that are capable of triggering a reaction include soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, perfume and detergents. The indications of contact dermatitis include neck rashes, dry red patches, itchiness, tenderness and pain.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that develops from issues with the immune system. The condition affects the life cycle of the skin cells and trigger irritation. In most cases, the skin cells usually take a month between growth and shedding but psoriasis triggers an acceleration of this process.

As an outcome of the rapid skin-cell turnover, irritation develops which is evident as dry, cracked skin, itchiness, soreness, neck rashes and scaly skin.

Psoriasis can trigger direct symptoms to the neck or radiate from the scalp. In most cases of psoriasis, they develop on the scalp. When it comes to cases affecting the scalp, it can radiate beyond the scalp up to the back of the neck, ears and forehead.

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