Osgood Schlatter’s disease

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Osgood Schlatter’s disease is considered as a usual cause of pain among children between 10-15 years old which occurs just beneath the knee at the upper part of the tibia.


The symptoms of Osgood Schlatter’s disease usually include pain at the tibial tuberosity at the top of the shin. It is important to note that the tibial tuberosity can become swollen or inflamed and might even become more protuberant than normal. The pain and tenderness is worse during and after exercises and the individual is likely to suffer from pain when contracting the quadriceps muscles or performing squatting exercises.


Osgood schlatter's disease
The pain and tenderness is worse during and after exercises and the individual is likely to suffer from pain when contracting the quadriceps muscles or performing squatting exercises.

Rest is the most important part of the treatment for Osgood Schlatter’s disease. The individual can exercise as long as there is no pain. Weight bearing exercises will only make it worse. The exercise sessions must be kept to a minimum at high quality instead of training on a daily basis.

You can apply an ice pack over the knee regularly throughout the day to minimize the pain and inflammation as well as after activity. The ice pack must be applied at least 3 times in a day for 10-15 minutes. If it is very painful, an ice pack can be applied for 10 minutes every hour. An ice massage using an ice cube is also a convenient way. All you have to do is to keep the ice moving while applying directly to the skin to prevent ice burns. If you want to learn more on how to effectively provide cold therapy, register for a first aid course. (Read here for more information on the courses offered).

The quadriceps muscles should be gently stretched as long as comfortable. Remember that Osgood Schlatter’s disease coincides with the growth spur so if the bone has grown too fast and leaves the muscle tendon tight, stretching can greatly help out.

A knee strap or taping can be used to help minimize the tension placed on the knee. The taping or knee strap will take in some of the impact or shock and alter the angle the forces that are transmitted via the tendon. They can be worn all the time if the knee is sore. In addition, a full neoprene knee support can help keep the tendon warm and support the whole joint.

When to consult a doctor

The doctor can provide the right diagnosis and confirm that there are no other causes for the pain. The management of the condition involves educating the child, parents and coaches regarding the condition and importance of not over training.

Sports massage techniques are used on the quadriceps muscles as well as myofascial release techniques to help stretch out the muscles. Maintaining the strength of the muscles in order to cope with loads placed on them is vital. A sports injury professional can advise on the appropriate exercise program that will enable the individual to perform as much exercise as possible and achieve the best results from the training.

In severe cases, an X-ray will be requested to check the degree of damage sustained. A plaster cast is then applied and used for up to three weeks if the pain is severe.

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