Sourdough bread allergy

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If an individual has sourdough bread allergy, there are various causes. The individual might have wheat allergy or gluten intolerance. If he/she has yeast or mold allergy, sourdough bread can also trigger an allergic response. The other potential allergens include soy flour and milk which are usual ingredients present in sourdough bread. It is important that the individual will keep a food diary in order to take note of any adverse reactions to determine the cause.

Wheat allergy

It is a known fact that wheat is one of the most prevalent food allergies among children but it can also develop at any age. The immune system overreacts to proteins in wheat and produces immunoglobulin E which is an antibody as well as histamine. The symptoms include itching of the mouth and throat, swelling, hives, itchy eyes and nasal congestion. In some cases, the individual can also experience nausea, cramps, diarrhea and vomiting. In rare circumstances, it can lead to a serious reaction or anaphylactic shock. In case the throat starts to swell or an abrupt drop in the blood pressure or rapid heart rate occurs, it is best to seek emergency care as soon as possible.

Celiac disease or gluten intolerance

This is considered as a digestive and autoimmune disorder in which the immune system produces antibodies as a response to gluten that attacks the intestinal lining. As a result, the body could not absorb the essential nutrients and can result to malnourishment. The symptoms include digestive issues such as anemia, skin rashes and growth problems. Other problems can also develop such as seizures or osteoporosis if not treated. Even though sourdough bread contains gluten, those who have celiac disease can safely eat it.

Other causes of sourdough bread allergy

Sourdough allergy
The symptoms are strikingly similar to other food allergies such as runny nose, wheezing, itchy eyes and skin rash or hives.

Take note that sourdough bread and others are made out of yeast which can trigger mold allergy. The symptoms are strikingly similar to other food allergies such as runny nose, wheezing, itchy eyes and skin rash or hives. The individual might be allergic to other ingredients present in sourdough bread such as milk as well as soy flour that are considered as common causes of allergies.

Undergo proper testing

If you suspect that an individual has sourdough bread allergy, it is important to consult a doctor and describe the symptoms. A physical examination, skin prick test or blood test is carried out. If a skin test is performed, the doctor will introduce a small amount of allergen. The development of a rash indicates that the individual is allergic. As for a blood test, a sample is taken and analyzed for antibodies. An elimination diet can be recommended in which all suspected foods are avoided for 1-2 weeks and then gradually introduced into the diet of the individual.

Treatment for sourdough bread allergy

An individual who has wheat or mold allergy are usually prescribed with over-the-counter oral antihistamines to help relieve the mild symptoms. Those who are at risk for anaphylaxis are prescribed with an injectable epinephrine or EpiPen that must be used during the onset of the symptoms. Take a course on first aid in Victoria today so that you are prepared to help save a life.

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