Vegetables to avoid for irritable bowel syndrome

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Individuals who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) tend to suffer more if they try to add certain vegetables into their diet. It is sad to note that several vegetables contain short-chain fermentable carbohydrates such as fructans, fructose, sorbitol and mannitol. These are capable of triggering the symptoms of IBS that results to diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, bloating and cramping. By enrolling in a first aid course, you can learn measures to manage these symptoms effectively.


Broccoli is considered as a nourishing vegetable but it is packed with fructans. If the individual has difficulty with foods that contain fructan, he/she must avoid broccoli. Once the symptoms of IBS are managed, the individual can try to reintroduce small amounts of broccoli to determine if the tolerance level has improved.

Irritable bowel syndrome
These are capable of triggering the symptoms of IBS that results to diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, bloating and cramping.

Onion and garlic

Both onions and garlic are packed with fructans which is a molecule comprised of a chain of fructose that ends with a molecule of glucose. It is not properly absorbed by many individuals and can contribute to the IBS symptoms. It is best to avoid any foods that contain onions as well as garlic. Carefully read all labels since many processed foods include vegetable juice, tomato sauce and frozen entrees might contain small amounts of onion. Even onion broth, powder and sauces made with garlic or onions must be avoided.


Cauliflower is known to contain a type of sugar-alcohol called mannitol. Take note that mannitol is poorly absorbed by those who have IBS. The avoidance of foods that contain mannitol can help reduce the symptoms.

Brussels sprouts

It is important to note that Brussels sprouts are rich in fructans that can be fermented by bacteria in the intestines, thus causing abdominal discomfort. For those who love to add Brussels sprouts in their diet, it is best to reintroduce in small amounts after a few weeks.


Sugar snap peas and snow peas contain mannitol and fructose. Both can cause issues among those who are suffering from IBS.


Asparagus is known to have a high content of fructose as well as fructans. Both fructose and fructans can trigger the symptoms of IBS. It is best to eliminate this vegetable for the diet for a few weeks to check if the symptoms subside.


Mushrooms contain elevated amounts of mannitol, thus they must be avoided if the individual is suffering from IBS. After some time, try reintroducing in small amounts to determine if they can cause symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.


Just like with asparagus, artichoke contains both fructans and fructose in large amounts. With this in mind, artichoke must be avoided.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are usually recommended as a healthier alternative to white potatoes but they also contain mannitol. Take note that ½ cup of serving is not likely to trigger issues but a big serving can instigate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

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