What are the illnesses that cause stiff neck pain?

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It is important to note that the neck is composed of muscles, vertebrae, nerves and shielding cushioning layers. The structures work together in order to enable the neck to move freely up and down and from side to side.

Stiff neck pain is often described as soreness in the neck that reduces the normal range of motion the individual can carry out. Conditions that can cause stiff neck pain tend to vary in harshness. Some of these are common while others are considered as medical emergencies that need immediate treatment. If you will enroll in one of the courses on first aid today, you can help manage the discomfort caused by neck pain.

Neck sprain

Stiff neck pain
Once physical trauma causes an abnormal or difficult motion of the neck, the ligament can tear which is a condition is called as a neck sprain.

There are seven vertebrae that comprise the spinal column in the neck. In between each of these vertebrae is a ligament that connects the vertebrae and enables movement. Once physical trauma causes an abnormal or difficult motion of the neck, the ligament can tear which is a condition is called as a neck sprain. The usual symptoms of neck sprain include pain that worsens during movement, headache and stiffness that is accompanied by reduced range of motion.

In case the nerves are also affected, the neck sprain can also be accompanied by tingling or numbness in the arms or hands. Even though a neck sprain can cause a significant amount of pain and stiffness in the neck, it is not a serious condition and typically heals within 4-6 weeks with immobilization of the neck using a soft collar and rest.

Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that involves gradual degeneration of the spine. The condition most often occurs as a result of increasing age but can also occur due to previous neck injuries, surgery or arthritis.

The symptoms of cervical spondylosis include neck stiffness and pain, tingling and numbness in the arms and shoulders, constant headaches and weakness of the arms. The symptoms of cervical spondylosis can be managed with a combination of muscle relaxants, over-the-counter pain medications and physical therapy.


The meninges are membranes that surround the brain and the spinal cord as well as providing protection to the central nervous system. Meningitis is basically an infection that leads to the inflammation of the meninges.

Once the meninges are swollen, it can cause intense headache, fever, nausea, stiff neck, sleepiness, difficulty concentrating and increased sensitivity to light. The condition can be triggered by bacteria, fungi or viruses.

Viral meningitis is considered as the most prevalent and typically vanishes on its own with bed rest, pain medications and increasing the fluid intake. As for bacterial meningitis, it is less common but can be life-threatening that entails immediate hospitalization. At the hospital, the individual is given intravenous antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.

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