What are the symptoms of sports hernia?

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If the individual experiences pain after twisting the body, he/she might have sports hernia or also called as athletic pubalgia. This condition occurs once the individual twists the body forcefully and causes a tear in the oblique muscles which are the tendons situated in the upper thigh. Even though severe pain must be assessed by a doctor, only a few symptoms can help pinpoint whether the individual has sports hernia or a different type of hernia.

Sensation of pain

The most common symptom of a sports hernia is pain in the affected groin. In minor cases, the pain can start in a reduced manner that is usually ignored, but in most cases, the pain can be severe at the time the injury was sustained. In both cases, the individual should rest in order to reduce the pain and problems are no longer experienced while at rest.

Sports hernia
The most common symptom of a sports hernia is pain in the affected groin.

When the individual resumes activity, the pain will also return. It can be focused on the groin but the pain can spread to the abdomen and the interior thigh. Always bear in mind that inguinal hernias can lead to discomfort in the groin during regular activities and sports while hiatal hernias rarely trigger pain.

Inspecting for bulges

Even though called as a hernia, sports hernia will not produce the indicative bulges of an actual hernia. Nevertheless, if the injury is left untreated, the tendons and muscles in the area will weaken. This will result to an inguinal hernia in which the abdominal organs bulge from the tissue and results to a protrusion in the groin area. Since hiatal hernias typically develop when the stomach obtrudes into the esophagus, it will not lead to external bulges that are evident. If you want to learn more about this condition, click here.

When to consult a doctor?

The best way to determine if the groin pain is a sports hernia is to have it properly assessed by a doctor. The doctor will ask questions in order to determine how the injury was sustained. The doctor will feel the area to test for any indications of inguinal hernia and to pinpoint where the pain is located. The doctor will also perform several exercises to check if the pain is similar to a sports hernia. If the doctor is uncertain, the doctor will also request for an X-ray, bone scan or an MRI.

Treatment for sports hernia

Once sports hernia is properly diagnosed, the doctor will recommend 7-10 days of rest as well as administering anti-inflammatory drugs as well as the application of an ice pack to reduce the swelling and pain. After the individual is given time to rest, light exercises can be done at home to strengthen the area or a session with a physical therapist will be recommended. If these measures could not control the pain, surgery might be required to repair the damage.

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