What are the usual vines that trigger skin rashes?

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The rash caused by skin contact with an allergen is called as allergic contact dermatitis. This skin condition typically occurs once the body erroneously identifies foreign substances as a threat and responds by releasing chemicals known as histamine.

The histamine increases the permeability of the blood vessels, thus allowing fluid that contains white blood cells to flow into areas affected by the allergen. Understandably, this results to redness, swelling and itchiness which are distinctive of an allergic skin rash. There are various plants that are known to trigger an allergic reaction. When it comes to allergies, it is best that you know the appropriate steps to take. You can be prepared by enrolling in a course on first aid today.

Poison oak

Poison oak has three forms – ground cover, shrub or vine. The plant is part of the same family of plants such as poison ivy and has distinctive leaflets that are clustered in sets of three.

The surfaces of the poison oak leaves are shiny while the edges can be smooth or lobed. Poison oak leaves are green in color during the spring and summer season and then turn red during autumn. Just like with poison ivy, poison oak also produces urushiol that triggers an allergic response.

The itchy, reddened, blisters of a reaction to poison ivy occur once the skin brushes up with the leaves of the plant which leaves behind urushiol.

Poison ivy

Poison ivy is a popular vine that is responsible for causing the rashes of allergic contact dermatitis. The itchy, reddened, blisters of a reaction to poison ivy occur once the skin brushes up with the leaves of the plant which leaves behind urushiol.

Exposure to urushiol can also occur by touching the root or stem of the plant or simply touching objects that came in contact with the plant such as pets or gardening tools. Take note that urushiol can linger on objects until it has been thoroughly washed. When it comes to clothing that has been exposed to urushiol, it is still capable of triggering a rash even after a year.

Poison ivy is quite common in forests and grows as a vine, bush or plant form. It is characterized for its green-colored leaves that turn red in color during the autumn season. Take note that these leaves occur as sets of three and have smooth or saw-toothed edges.

Kiwi vine

The vines that produce kiwi are also known to trigger allergic contact dermatitis. The kiwi plant contains an allergen known as proteinase actinidin. Aside from allergic contact dermatitis, direct contact with the kiwi vine can also instigate hives or urticaria and irritant contact dermatitis which occurs once an irritant interferes with the natural protective barrier of the skin.

The best way to prevent skin rashes from occurring is to wear protective clothing and gear while outdoors. It is also beneficial if you know how to distinguish these plants to avoid contact.

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