Supracondylar fracture

What to do for a fungal rash?

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A fungal rash is characterized by its fiery red appearance and has the tendency to spread over a wide area. A fungal rash is likely to develop among individuals with the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Overweight
  • Using high-dose or long-term antibiotics or immunosuppressant medications
  • Sweat heavily
  • Incontinent (the moisture is trapped against the skin which results to skin damage)
  • Loss of mobility
  • Using new skin products that causes skin irritation

Aside from its fiery-red appearance, the color is more pronounced at the middle and might lack a distinct perimeter. In some cases, smaller slightly defined lesions can occur on the exterior borders of the rash area. The rash can burn or itch and typically seen over the buttocks but also spread into the groin area and thigh.

How to deal with a fungal rash

Fungal rash
A fungal rash is characterized by its fiery red appearance and has the tendency to spread over a wide area.
  • The individual should be positioned in a comfortable manner. Place a disposable basin or towel below the affected area to protect the linens.
  • Wash your hands using water and soap and then wear gloves.
  • Cleanse the area in a gentle manner but thoroughly. Avoid rubbing the affected area though.
  • Pat the skin dry using a soft towel.
  • Apply an antifungal preparation. If the fungal rash is dry, dab on a thin coating of antifungal cream until absorbed by the skin. In case the rash is moist, simply dust with an antifungal powder and brush off any excess.
  • If the individual was not prescribed with an antifungal product, you can use an over-the-counter variant that contains 2% miconazole.
  • In case the individual is incontinent, you have to apply a thin coating of moisture barrier cream or ointment over the antifungal cream
  • Remove the gloves used and properly discard.
  • Wash hands thoroughly using water and soap

Once the fungal rash heals, the skin becomes dry and flaky. You have to apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to help hydrate the skin to prevent cracking and the development of fissures.

Prevention of fungal rashes

  • Avoid using soaps that are heavily perfumed that can be irritating to the skin.
  • After taking a bath, dry the skin using a soft cloth
  • In case incontinence briefs are used, avoid those that have built-in plastic liners since these retain moisture. If possible, leave the briefs open to allow air to reach the fungal rash to dry them out.
  • If there are skin folds in the area of the rash, apply a soft cloth or cotton pad in between the folds to prevent moisture from building up in the area which reduces the risk for infections.
  • Once the fungal rash heals, apply a barrier cream to prevent the rash from recurring.
  • Encourage the individual to drink plenty of fluids to maintain the suppleness of the skin.

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