Abnormal blood clotting

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The clotting mechanism is a vital and complex system. The blood must flow freely via the blood vessels to support life. In case a blood vessel is damaged, the blood must clot.

Can the clotting mechanism trigger issues?

It is important to note that the clotting system can produce some problems. If the platelets or thrombin system does not function properly, the episodes of abnormal bleeding can occur.

A low platelet count can occur during chemotherapy or if diagnosed with leukemia. Various genetic ailments including hemophilia can lead to the malfunction of the thrombin system. Any of these ailments can result to significant bleeding issues.

Abnormal blood clotting
The abnormal clots can also arise in the veins, usually the leg veins which leads to deep venous thrombosis (DVT).

The clotting process might also result to the formation of clots which can cause harm such as thrombosis. It is important to note to thrombosis might manifest in the coronary artery if an atherosclerotic plaque ruptures. The clot can obstruct the blood flow and result to damage to the heart or brain.

The abnormal clots can also arise in the veins, usually the leg veins which leads to deep venous thrombosis (DVT). The venous clots might break off and move to the lungs, resulting to a pulmonary embolus.

Management of abnormal blood clotting

Significant bleeding brought about by platelet deficiency is generally managed with platelet transfusions. Issues with the thrombin system can be reversed momentarily with plasma infusion.

The medications that aim on stopping the blood clot formation can be directed either on preventing the platelet function or the thrombin system. Even though all treatment options to prevent blood clots have their share of detrimental effects, one common issue is excessive bleeding. Due to this, it is vital that the individual is aware of the precautions.

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