Jaundice in children

Allergic reactions: Managing puffy eyes

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Among those who have allergies, it is not unusual for one to end up with puffy eyes. The eyes can become itchy and red while the surrounding skin turns puffy. This can be managed by identifying the exact case of the allergic response and limiting exposure.

Why swelling occurs?

An allergic reaction has various causes and triggers such as mold, pollen, food and even cosmetics.

Puffy eyes develop once the immune system is exposed to an allergen. The allergen initiates the release of histamine which stimulates the nerves around the eye and dilates the blood vessels, thus resulting to swelling.

You can manage puffy eyes by reducing exposure to the allergen, blocking the effects of histamine or preventing its release.

Preventive measures

Puffy eyes
The eyes can become itchy and red while the surrounding skin turns puffy.

Oftentimes, it is hard to pinpoint the exact cause of an allergic reaction. The individual is recommended to keep track of the symptoms and what he/she was exposed to at the time the symptoms started to identify the triggers.

In most instances, the eyes appear swollen and itchy when visiting a friend who has a pet dog. It can also occur when using a certain perfume or nail polish.

Avoidance of the allergy triggers is the initial step in preventing allergic reactions. Oftentimes, the cause is not evident especially if suffering from allergies all year or seasonally. In such cases, allergy testing is often required.


The application of a cold compress can reduce puffy eyes. Artificial eyes that are refrigerated can be applied a few times daily to alleviate a swollen eyelid. In case these measures are not effective, the doctor might recommend other measures.

Antihistamine eye drops or steroid eye drops are commonly used in managing the allergy symptoms. Most of these can be given as needed or only when the symptoms flare-up.

Is systemic treatment required?

Once the symptoms persist, the doctor might refer the individual to an allergist to perform tests to identify all responsible agents that can start an allergic reaction.

The treatment might include systemic medications either oral or given via injections that work by blocking the release of histamine and prevents itchiness and swelling from starting.

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