Eczema: How to minimize the itchiness

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Eczema is a skin condition that many children find hard to cope but there are ways to minimize the discomfort. Depending on the potential cause of eczema, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out to confirm a diagnosis.

It is not advisable to treat eczema without consulting a doctor. Remember that each case requires a specific approach that typically involves a combination of steroid cream and ointments as well as moisturizers. In case the skin turns red and starts to leak liquid, it might be infected which requires assessment by a doctor so that the right antibiotics can be given.

Set a bedtime routine

Children who have eczema often find sleeping an issue since the skin can become warm and itchier at night time. It is vital to keep the bedroom cool and use cotton sheets or a duvet made out of light and natural fiber.

Always bear in mind that dry skin is likely to flare up or become infected with bacteria or virus.

Do not forget to apply a moisturizer at least 20 minutes before sleeping time to allow it to soak in. Pets should stay out of the bedroom since cats and dogs can aggravate the eczema.

Avoid using harsh products

It is important to note that soap and bubble bath can aggravate eczema as well as washing too often. It is recommended to wash the child once or twice a week but the hands, face and bottom must be cleaned on a daily basis.

The child should be bathed in warm water and use fragrance-free soaps, bath oil and shampoo.


Always bear in mind that dry skin is likely to flare up or become infected with bacteria or virus. It is best to use creams that were given by the doctor to ensure that the skin with eczema is kept moist and soft as possible. Do not use harsh soaps that can dry out the skin.

Minimize scratching

One of the main issues with eczema among children is the need to scratch the itchy skin that can eventually lead to bleeding or become infected. It is important to check if the child scratches at particular times of the day such as while watching TV. Teach the child to work on something instead such as securely holding their arm.

Compliment the child for not scratching or use a sticker chart. Do not forget to keep the nails short and opt for cotton clothes instead of rough fabrics to minimize the itchiness.


It is important to note that eczema typically starts once the infant is around 6 months old. In some cases, the skin condition is triggered by foods including eggs, milk, chocolate, citrus fruits, food coloring and peanuts.

Once a particular food is responsible for causing the eczema, it is vital to consult a doctor first before making any changes in the diet to ensure that the child has a balanced diet.

Keeping the child cool

Heat can trigger more itchiness, thus after the child has been running around or playing sports, it is important to keep him/her cool as much as possible with slack clothing. If the child has been swimming, you have to wash off any remaining chlorine from the pool since this can aggravate the skin.

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