What to do if an individual is bleeding

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Always remember that first aid for an individual who is bleeding is vital. If you can slow down or stop the loss of blood until the medical team arrives on the scene, the chances of survival of the individual are drastically increased. Take note that there are various causes of bleeding. It includes injuries such as cuts, scrapes, amputations and even punctures


When to call for emergency assistance

When handling bleeding, it is important to provide the appropriate emergency care right away especially for profuse blood loss, deep wounds, cuts with ragged edges, amputations and cuts with impaled objects or deeply embedded dirt. You have to call for emergency assistance so that the individual is transported to the emergency department at the nearest hospital.

First aid for bleeding

While waiting for the medical team to arrive, there are first aid measures that you have to perform in order to minimize the risk for shock.

The first move is to control the bleeding using direct pressure. Initially, you have to cover the wound using a sterile dressing or clean cloth. Make sure that you will wear gloves as a precaution. With the gloved hand over the dressing, you have to press in a firm manner and continue applying pressure until the bleeding stops. Do not remove the soiled dressing, simply add more dressing and continue applying pressure. If there are no broken bones suspected, you have to elevate the wound higher than the level of the heart. If you suspect that a limb is broken, do not attempt to move the limb.

The first move is to control the bleeding using direct pressure. Initially, you have to cover the wound using a sterile dressing or clean cloth.

In case the bleeding could not be controlled after five minutes of applying direct pressure, allow the individual to lie down and continue to apply pressure on the wound and apply pressure to the pressure points between the heart and wound.

For wounds on the arms, press on the brachial artery. All you have to do is to use your fingers to apply pressure on the interior side of the upper arm, just between the elbow and shoulder. As for wounds on the legs, press on the femoral artery in the groin. Use the heel of your hand to apply pressure at the center of the crease where the thigh meets the groin. Once the bleeding stops, you have to release the pressure point.

You have to secure the original dressings using a bandage. Make sure that you will observe for signs of shock. In case there is an amputated body part, you have to cover the amputated part using dry gauze. Do not soak it in water or any liquid. Store the wrapped limb in a sealed plastic container or bag and place on top of ice. Bring the individual directly to the emergency department at the nearest hospital.

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