What are the antibiotics commonly used for puncture wounds?

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A puncture wound occurs once a sharp object penetrates the skin barrier. It is important to note that nails are responsible for most cases of puncture wounds, which most often occurs on base of the foot but can also occur in other parts of the body. When it comes to any wound, it is vital to observe proper wound care in order to prevent the development of infection as well as promote the healing process. It is best that you are prepared to handle any type of wound by enrolling in one of the courses on first aid today that focuses on proper wound care techniques.

Even though deeper structures such as the blood vessels, tendons and nerves can be damaged by the penetrating object, the most common complication is no other than infection. There are several factors that can increase the risk for infection including the wound depth as well as the presence of foreign objects as well as seeking medical care more than 24 hours after the wound was sustained.

Localized infection

Puncture wound-antibiotics
Always bear in mind that antibiotic therapy is indicated for puncture wounds once they are infected or if medical care was delayed for more than 24 hours after the injury was sustained.

The most prevalent form of puncture wound complication is localized, superficial infections. The oral antibiotics that are usually given are highly effective in managing minor wound infections as well as avoiding serious outcomes. The antibiotics commonly used for localized infections include cephalosporin, penicillin-type drugs and erythromycin.

Antibiotic therapy

Always bear in mind that antibiotic therapy is indicated for puncture wounds once they are infected or if medical care was delayed for more than 24 hours after the injury was sustained. Antibiotics are selected based on the type of bacteria responsible for the infection.

Most cases of puncture wound infections are instigated by the bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus. Antibiotics utilized for puncture wound infections are considered effective against these kinds of bacteria.

Severe cases of infection

Hospitalization and the administration of intravenous antibiotics are required for cases that involve extensive soft tissue infections from puncture wounds. Cellulitis is basically a deep tissue infection which can develop from any form of penetrating injury. In most cases, intravenous antibiotics that are usually given for cellulitis include penicillin and cephalosporin.


It is important to note that osteomyelitis is considered as a severe complication of puncture wounds and affects the bone and considered difficult to manage. Pseudomonas is a type of bacteria which often causes osteomyelitis as a complication of puncture wounds. The treatment of such conditions requires the administration of strong pseudomonas-specific antibiotics. In some cases, surgery might be required in order to debride the infected bone.

If an individual sustains a puncture wound that is very deep, it is vital for him/her to seek medical care as soon as possible. Delaying medical care will only result to complications that will impede with the healing process, thus making the condition even worse.

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