What are infections that trigger neck pain?

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Various infections are capable of causing neck pain. The neck pain associated with an infection can be very painful. It is important to note that infection-related neck pain might be triggered by a simple viral illness or serious infections affecting the structures surrounding the central nervous system – spinal cord and the brain.

If an individual is suspected with an infection, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible in order to determine the exact cause of the pain. By enrolling in one of the courses on first aid, you can readily manage the pain with effective pain management techniques.

Strep throat

Strep throat is basically an infection that can instigate pain in the anterior area of the neck. The condition is triggered by the group A streptococcus bacteria that are commonly found in the throat and nose. The infection can easily spread from one individual to another by coughing, sneezing or shaking hands.

Neck pain-infection
It is important to note that infection-related neck pain might be triggered by a simple viral illness or serious infections affecting the structures surrounding the central nervous system – spinal cord and the brain.

Even though anyone can acquire strep throat, the infection is quite common among children and teenagers. Always bear in mind that strep infections typically occur during the school year when several groups of children and teenagers are in close contact with one another. The usual indications of strep throat include throat and neck pain, red-colored and swollen tonsils, fever and abdominal pain. As long as medical care is provided along with adequate rest and increased fluid intake, the individual can recover quickly.


Mononucleosis is best described as an infection that causes pain in the front part of the neck. This condition is also called as the kissing disease since it can be transmitted from one individual to another by saliva. Coughing, kissing and sneezing are ways in which the virus spreads. Even sharing of infected items can spread the infection.

The indications of mononucleosis include weakness, fatigue, headache, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, fever, night sweats and loss of appetite. Mononucleosis can also lead to certain health complications including jaundice, hepatitis as well as anemia, enlargement of the spleen, heart inflammation and breathing difficulties.


Meningitis is also an infection that can also instigate neck pain. The condition involves the inflammation of the meninges that covers the brain as well as the spinal cord. The main forms of meningitis include bacterial and viral.

Viral meningitis is quite common and can be acquired once the virus enters the body via the mouth or nose and eventually reaches the brain. As for bacterial meningitis, it is uncommon but can be life-threatening since it can block the flow of blood to the brain, resulting to stroke and permanent brain damage. The indications of meningitis include abrupt fever, stiff neck pain and a severe headache. Even though anyone can acquire meningitis, it is quite common among those who have weakened immune systems.

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