Allergies in the garden

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Once allergies strike, especially during the spring season, it can cause a lot of annoying symptoms such as sneezing or even wheezing. There are measures to take into consideration when exposed to pollen while outdoors, particularly in the garden. These measures are vital for those who love to spend a lot of time in their gardens. By enrolling in a first aid course, you can readily manage the symptoms of these allergies.

How pollen attacks

Once the level of pollen in the air is elevated, it is time to take action. While spreading through the air, pollen particularly from pine can cause major discomfort. Nevertheless, this is a trigger for alarm since the highly allergenic allergens can spread far and wide. Elm, oak, ash, hickory, elder, pecan and cedar trees are the worst among those who have allergies. Remember that the airborne pollen can travel hundreds of miles.

Even regional grasses can also trigger issues when they are allowed to bloom. Take note that Bermuda and Kentucky bluegrass are known triggers, thus these turf varieties should be mowed to reduce the development of pollen. Other varieties of roadside grasses such as ragweed can send pollen in the air in large amounts.

Once allergies strike, especially during the spring season, it can cause a lot of annoying symptoms such as sneezing or even wheezing.

Pollen in the surroundings

Generally, female plants produce seeds, berries, flowers and fruit while males are responsible for pollen. Plants that do not shed are planted extensively in an attempt to make garden maintenance simple. Even though the landscape is appealing, it becomes a spring time issues for those who have allergies.

Shrubs and flowering trees with their attractive floral displays hardly cause allergy issues. The pollinators such as bees and other insects rarely cast the pollen into the air. However, the best design option is to plant them away from the house especially the windows. Remember to choose flowers that are labelled suitable for cutting since they do not produce pollen.

Considerations to bear in mind

  • Always keep the windows closed during the peak pollen season especially when mowing the grass. It is also recommended to change the central heat/air conditioner filter and opt for a HEPA filter for the best efficiency.
  • Always monitor the local pollen count before going outdoors especially those who are highly sensitive or asthmatic.
  • Avoid gardening during windy days since pollen is carried by the wind to far flung distances.
  • Try to avoid old mulch since it can release mold spores.
  • The individual should wear a hat since pollen can stick on hair where it can reside until washed away by shampoo and water.
  • After gardening, the individual should change clothes and place in the laundry and then take a shower to remove the pollen that clings on the exposed skin surfaces.
  • Remember that pets are pollen magnets if they spend a lot of time outdoors. Once they are indoors, you have to rub them down with a damp towel to clean up the outer fur.
  • It is best to use an allergy mask especially those that are built for pollen filtration such as the N95 or N100 rating. The silk or cotton masks can also be used, but will not guarantee full protection.

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