Management of seasonal allergy symptoms with fatigue

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An allergy is characterized as an unusual immune response to a harmless substance in the environment. The most common type of allergy is the seasonal allergic rhinitis or commonly known as hay fever that affects millions of individuals all over the globe. This condition can trigger various symptoms that are similar to common cold. The seasonal allergies are instigated by airborne pollen from grasses, trees and flowers. Exposure initiates the immune response that eventually leads to inflammation of the blood vessels in the air passages and triggers several symptoms that can cause discomfort, but rarely life-threatening. These symptoms can be easily managed as long as you will register for first aid training.

Eye issues

The symptoms of hay fever usually involve the eyes. Several blood vessels within and around the eyes can become irritated and inflamed. When it comes to seasonal allergies, they start with watery and itchy eyes. As the irritation progresses, the individual might rub or scratch the eyes in an attempt to relieve the symptoms but it will only aggravate the condition and causes them to turn red in color. The conjunctiva is the membrane that lines the eyes and can become irritated as well, resulting to conjunctivitis. Most of the over-the-counter and prescription medications are readily available to relieve the eye issues linked with seasonal allergies.

Among those who suffer from seasonal allergies, symptoms not usually linked with hay fever can be challenging. These symptoms include irritability, fatigue, depression and mood changes.

Abdominal upset

It is also possible to end up with various allergy symptoms that affect the stomach. Some individuals develop stomach cramps or even vomiting.


An allergic reaction will often cause congestion and runny nose as the airway passages become filled with mucus and swollen. Take note that part of the immune response that occurs once the body is exposed to an allergen is the production of mucus. The dense fluid fills the sinuses and drains into the throat which causes uncomfortable symptoms. The congestion can also lead to coughing, headaches, sneezing and wheezing. Many individuals with seasonal allergies can experience difficulty or diminishing senses particularly with the sense of smell due to the buildup of congestion.


Among those who suffer from seasonal allergies, symptoms not usually linked with hay fever can be challenging. These symptoms include irritability, fatigue, depression and mood changes. Based on studies, allergic reactions can cause the feeling of fatigue and depression with the release of cytokines. Take note that these cytokines are the chemicals that trigger inflammation in an attempt to shield the body from the allergen, but react with the other brain chemicals to cause atypical feelings.

Sleep issues

Sleep issues can occur and considered one of the symptoms linked with seasonal allergies. This is due to the symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, congestion, sneezing and headache which make it difficult for the individual to sleep well at night.

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