It is a known fact that infants are highly susceptible to common cold. In reality, most infants develop between 8-10 colds by the time they reach 2 years old. The common cold is basically an infection that affects the nose and throat and caused by a virus such as rhinovirus or coronavirus. The usual symptoms of common cold include nasal congestion, runny nose, fever and sneezing. Even though this condition can be considered as a nuisance, most of the symptoms can be remedied at home. You can learn more about these remedies if you will register for first aid training today.
In most cases, you can readily provide the infant with acetaminophen to help ease fever linked with common cold. Just remember to follow the directions in the packaging for the appropriate dosage. Ibuprofen is considered as an acceptable alternative for infants older than 6 months old.
Saline solution
You can squeeze a few drops of an over-the-counter saline solution into the nose of the infant. This will help slacken up the mucus and minimize the stuffiness. All you have to do is to use a rubber bulb syringe and gently suction out the mucus.
Using a humidifier
In most cases, using a humidifier can greatly help ease the symptoms. You have to run a humidifier in the room of the infant to help relieve the runny nose and congestion. Just make sure that you will keep the mist aimed away from the crib so that the bedding of the child will not become damp. It is recommended to change the water on a daily basis and cleanse the unit regularly to prevent the buildup of mold.
Petroleum jelly
You can apply a small amount of petroleum jelly into the nostril of the infant if the delicate skin is irritated from excessive wiping of the nose.
It is important to elevate the top of the bed of the infant using a few towels tucked under the mattress. By sleeping in a slightly inclined position, it can help ease postnasal drip but make sure that it is only a slight incline. As for restless sleepers, there is the possibility of flipping in bed and ending up in the wrong side of the crib, thus defeating the focus of elevation.
Considerations to bear in mind
It is important to seek medical care if the symptoms of common cold are severe. In case the infant is 3 months old or younger, bring him/her to the doctor if there is fever that is more than 100.4 degrees F. Regardless of the age, a doctor must be consulted if the symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks or including wheezing or gasping. These might indicate a serious health issue such as pneumonia or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
The ideal way to manage an infant with a cold is to prevent it in the first place. Regularly wash hands before caring or feeding the infant. In case soap is not available, you can use a hand sanitizer. Always keep the infant away from sick individuals especially during the start of the illness when it is highly contagious.