How to handle knee wounds effectively

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The knees are parts of the body that are being moved constantly, often enduring the pressure and impact when falling or kneeling. The exterior of the knee is a delicate layer of skin tissues that can be scraped or cut. As for the inner aspect of the knee, the tissues can also be impaired including the muscle tissues and osseous tissue of bone that is bordered by tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Due to this, knee wounds can be considered as a challenge when they are being treated. If you want to be prepared to handle knee wounds, read here.

Dealing with bleeding

When the knee wound is bleeding, you have to use a clean cloth or towel that must be placed with firm pressure over the wound. Maintain the pressure on the knee wound until the bleeding completely stops. This usually takes 10 minutes or more to stop the bleeding.

In case the bleeding could not be controlled, it is recommended to place another clean cloth or bandage over the first layer to continue to absorb the blood and continue to place direct pressure. If the bleeding still persists, it is best to seek medical care.

Knee wounds
When the knee wound is bleeding, you have to use a clean cloth or towel that must be placed with firm pressure over the wound.

Cleansing the wound

You have to cleanse the knee wound carefully using warm water along with mild soap. It is also best to clean the wound under running water to clear out any dirt or debris in the wound. This can be done by placing the affected leg under a shower head as long as the knee is not severely injured.

Prevention of infection

Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic cream on the affected site or simply pour hydrogen peroxide over the knee wound to prevent infection from developing. Make sure that you will cover the wound in a firm manner using clean gauze and wrap using an elastic bandage to prevent dirt and other substances from entering the wound.

Swelling control

You can wrap an ice pack using a towel and place on the affected knee for 15-20 minutes at 4 times in a day until the swelling subsides. Avoid applying an ice pack directly on the knee without a barrier such as a clean cloth or towel. The body reacts to the wound by flooding the area with white blood cells to help with the healing process. These can lead to the inflammation of the affected area. With the application of ice, it minimizes the inflammation as well as the pain.


Once the knee wound is secured, you can elevate the affected knee by positioning the leg on a cushion or pillow while lying down or up on a chair when sitting. The individual must allow the affected leg to rest and always keep the affected area clean and dry at all times.

When to consult a doctor

It is best to consult a doctor if the bleeding could not be controlled or if the knee does not feel right. If the individual feels unbearable pain, evident bumps, inability to put pressure on the knee or a broken patella is suspected, a doctor must be consulted. If the knee wound is deep and the edges could not stay together or if they appear jagged, it would require stitches or an application of a skin adhesive.

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