Allergy to hydrogenated soybean oil

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An allergic reaction to hydrogenated soybean oil is triggered by a primary allergy to soy. The allergen is the protein present in soy beans and the hydrogenation of the oil does not play a role in triggering an allergic response in the body. It is important to note that an allergy to hydrogenated soybean oil will trigger comparable symptoms to a food allergy. If the individual experiences adverse reactions once he/she consumes products that contain hydrogenated soybean oil, a doctor must be consulted for assessment and treatment.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of an allergy to hydrogenated soybean oil include eczema, hives, fainting, itchiness, dizziness, chest tightness, abdominal pain as well as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, wheezing and tingling of the mouth or throat. Take note that the symptoms usually develop within a few minutes or hours after eating foods that contain hydrogenated soybean oil. The symptoms also vary from one individual to another, depending on the severity of the allergy. If you will take a course on first aid today, you can carry out measure to ease the symptoms experienced by the individual.

Allergy to hydrogenated soybean oil
The symptoms of an allergy to hydrogenated soybean oil include eczema, hives, fainting, itchiness, dizziness, chest tightness, abdominal pain as well as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, wheezing and tingling of the mouth or throat.


The hydrogenated soybean oil is made out of soy beans which are considered as one of the common food allergens. An individual with soy allergy can suffer from an overreaction of the immune system once soy-based products are eaten. The immune system erroneously identifies the proteins in soy and considered them as a threat to the body and starts to attack them. The soy protein is present in hydrogenated soybean oil which leads to the usual allergic reaction to soy.

What are the effects?

As part of the defensive response of the immune system, antibodies and histamine are produced. Histamine is the hormone in the body that protects the body from bacteria and viruses. As for the antibodies, they trigger the mast cells to generate large amounts of histamine in different parts of the body, usually in the soft tissues. The heightened amount of histamine causes inflammation and irritation, resulting to the common allergy symptoms.


The individual should avoid soy in his/her diet. This is an effective measure to avoid a hydrogenated soybean oil allergy from occurring. All pre-packaged foods must clearly indicate on the labels if soy is present. It might be hard to avoid hydrogenated soybean oil since it is commonly used on processed products. If the individual is diagnosed to be allergic to soy nuts, soybean oil, tofu, sprouts, textured vegetable protein, tamari, edamame and miso, soy must be completely avoided.

An allergy to hydrogenated soybean oil can lead to a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. Once the individual develops symptoms such as shortness of breath, hives, feeling faint and inability to breathe, call for emergency assistance right away.

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