Potential side effects of vitamin D allergy

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When it comes to vitamin D allergy, it is considered uncommon but capable of causing substantial complications among highly sensitive individuals. Vitamin D allergy develops once the immune system of the individual wrongly identifies vitamin D as a threat to the body. As a result, the body produces antibodies to fight the substance and causes the mast cells to release histamine. The elevated level of histamine in the body causes the manifestation of the usual allergy symptoms. The typical side effects include asthma, hives and even anaphylaxis. Once the individual experiences any of these side effects, he/she must stop using vitamin D and schedule an appointment with a doctor for proper assessment of the condition.


The asthma-like symptoms are the usual effects of vitamin D allergy. Take note that these side effects include inability to breathe, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and chest discomfort. The high levels of histamine in the soft tissues of the lungs will cause the airways to inflame, resulting to a reduction of the ability of the individual to breathe normally.

Wheezing is the high-pitched sound generated by the narrowed airway in the throat. These symptoms might indicate anaphylaxis and must be assessed by a doctor. The treatment for the asthma-like symptoms is determined by the doctor. In most cases, prescribed inhalers can be given to prevent and manage the symptoms.

Vitamin D allergy
The asthma-like symptoms are the usual effects of vitamin D allergy. Take note that these side effects include inability to breathe, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and chest discomfort.


An individual with vitamin D allergy will experience hives in a few minutes or hours after ingesting vitamin D. This is a skin issue that causes inflammation and welts to occur on any part of the body. The hives manifest as patches with distinct borders and can move to any part of the body. The rashes are flat on its surface and can appear, disappear and reappear in minutes.

Hives is usually managed with oral and topical antihistamines. These medications work by blocking the ability of the body to produce histamine which causes the inflammation in the skin. Even topical hydrocortisone lotions and creams can be used on the affected areas.


Vitamin D allergy can progress to anaphylaxis which involves the entire body and can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. During anaphylaxis, the whole body overly secretes high amounts of histamine which results to a drop in the blood pressure, shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, faint pulse, anxiety and mental confusion. Take note that these symptoms must be treated with an epinephrine injection to counteract the symptoms. Individuals who are prone to severe reactions are usually prescribed with an injectable epinephrine that is administered during the onset of a severe reaction. By enrolling in a first aid class, you can learn how to manage the symptoms as well as administer an EpiPen during a severe reaction.

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