Am I allergic to cigarette smoke?

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An allergy to cigarette smoke strikingly resemble the symptoms of asthma. Those who are exposed to second-hand smoke face a higher risk for developing respiratory ailments, allergies and asthma.

It is important to note that cigarette smoke can disrupt the overall functionality of the epithelial layer of the lungs and allows the infiltration of allergens by disrupting the defense structures in the lungs.

The particulate matter released by indoor cigarette smoke can worsen airway inflammation, chronic coughing and wheezing among non-smokers.

Being exposed to environmental tobacco smoke heightens the risk for respiratory ailments and allergies among children.

Increased risk for respiratory ailments

Take note that prenatal and early childhood exposure to second-hand smoke increases the likelihood for children to end up with respiratory ailments.

Due to this, cessation of smoking and avoidance must be strictly observed by women of child-bearing age and those with young children.

Allergies to cigarette smoke

Being exposed to environmental tobacco smoke heightens the risk for respiratory ailments and allergies among children.

In studies conducted, exposure to tobacco smoke in the environment during the initial months of life was linked with a drastic increase in developing allergies and respiratory conditions among children.

Compromised lung functioning

The particulates present in tobacco smoke are prevalent yet avoidable airborne toxins that have a clear link with wheezing, disrupted growth of the lungs and increased vulnerability to bacterial lung infections.

It was discovered that being exposed to cigarette smoke detrimentally alters the function of TLR (toll-like receptors) which are proteins that intercede the immune response to bacterial infections as well as inhibits the inborn immune function. Understandably, this puts children at higher risk for infections.

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