Arch pain

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Arch pain might be an indication of a foot ailment. The foot arch runs the length of the foot including the interior of the foot which provides its distinctive contoured shape. The arch helps take in stress, even out the body while walking, standing and running as well as helping acclimatize to jagged or sloping surface. In addition, the posterior tibialis tendon is connected to the arch which is responsible for maintaining a supportive, healthy arch during daily activities.

If any of these arch-related ligaments, bones and tendons are weakened or damaged from excessive activity, overuse or wear and tear from aging, arch pain arises.

  • Low arch – an imprint shows almost the entire bottom of the feet. Having this type and arch pain might indicate progressive conditions such as pronation, plantar fasciitis and flat feet
  • Normal arch – an imprint shows a missing inside curve of the foot.
  • High arch – only the heel and top of the foot near the toes is seen in the imprint. The arch pain might be due to the concentrated weight in the ball and heel of the foot.

Should I be worried?

Arch pain
The arch helps take in stress, even out the body while walking, standing and running as well as helping acclimatize to jagged or sloping surface.

Arch pain should not be left untreated. Since the arch supports the weight of the entire body, arch pain can affect other parts of the feet, knees, ankles, legs and back.

It is important to note that arch pain is a progressive ailment that can contribute to more serious foot conditions such as:

  • Flat feet
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Bunions
  • Shin splints
  • Hammertoes
  • Stress fractures

Management and prevention

Several remedies can help alleviate arch pain and prevent additional foot and lower body health issues.

  • Shoe inserts or orthotics – these work by supporting the arch, stabilizing the heel and relieving some of the stress on the posterior tibialis tendon
  • Arch supports – work by relieving some of the arch pain and discomfort.
  • Strengthening of the muscles – the tibialis posterior muscle must be strengthened along with stretching of the Achilles tendon.
  • Use comfortable and well-supported shoes built with insoles that properly assist the arch – based on the lifestyle of the individual, the shoes and its insoles must be able to support both daily activities and other intense activities.
  • Night splints – these work by alleviating the pressure on the arch by keeping the muscles correctly positioned and reinforced while asleep.
  • Cold therapy – wraps, massagers and other forms of cold therapy can help reduce the arch pain and discomfort

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