Are you allergic to laundry detergent?

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Once an individual experiences red, itchy rashes, they usually blame their laundry detergent. It is important to note that laundry detergents can contain harsh chemicals, dyes and perfumes that can cause irritation. Exposure to these substances can trigger an allergic reaction known as contact dermatitis.

If an individual experiences contact dermatitis upon exposure to laundry detergents, it is vital to determine if the cause is an allergy or simply sensitivity due to the leftover soap after washing. Additionally, irritation of the skin can be caused by various disorders such as psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis. The appropriate first aid care and treatment depends on the diagnosis of the condition.

Assessing the irritation

Individuals who are allergic to laundry detergent usually experience itching, inflammation, redness and even the peeling of the skin that came in contact with the clothing that was washed with the laundry detergent.

Laundry detergent
Discomfort is caused by the contact dermatitis that involves moderate to severe itchiness in the areas that came in contact with clothes that has been washed using a laundry detergent.
  • Rashes made up of tiny red bumps can develop on the skin that came in contact with the laundry detergent or clothing that has been washed with it. At a distance, the rash can appear as a solid red area. The individual bumps are only noticeable if you will look closely at them.
  • Dry red patches are another type of skin discoloration that can occur if an individual is allergic to laundry detergent. These patches are quite similar to minor burns in appearance and usually located in areas that came in contact with the laundry detergent through clothing.
  • Blisters can occur during severe cases of contact dermatitis due to exposure to laundry detergents. This is likely to occur more often if the detergent came in contact with the skin instead of the clothing that has been washed by it.
  • Discomfort is caused by the contact dermatitis that involves moderate to severe itchiness in the areas that came in contact with clothes that has been washed using a laundry detergent. Take note that this can occur along with other symptoms or on its own.
  • The skin can become thick and scabby if it has been constantly exposed to the irritant present in laundry detergent for an extended period. In long-term cases, loss of hair can occur in areas affected by untreated dermatitis.

It is best to consult a doctor so that the condition can be properly diagnosed. Always bear in mind that contact dermatitis can manifest right after an initial contact while sensitivity to the laundry detergents can build up over time before the symptom manifest.


You can provide over-the-counter antihistamine or apply an anti-itch ointment to the affected area for temporary relief. If clothes that were used washed with a particular laundry detergent triggers skin reactions, they must be washed again using baking soda and make sure that the clothes will undergo the rinse cycle twice to ensure that all traces of the laundry detergent are eliminated.

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