Buckle fracture

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Buckle fracture or torus fracture is not considered as a common injury but can occur among young children and the elderly. Even though a buckle fracture can occur in any bone in the body, the bones that typically endure this type of injury include the long bones in the body such as the ulna, radius, femur or humerus. This type of fracture can be painful but the recovery period is fairly quick unlike with the healing time required for other fractures that can take up to months.

What is a buckle fracture?

Once a buckle fracture is sustained, the actual bone does not sustain a break. The interior cortex on the compression side of the bone basically buckles against the opposite side of the bone. It is important to note that this is indicated by a fracture on the side of the compression that can result to swelling and pain.

Causes of buckle fracture

Buckle fracture
It is important to note that this is indicated by a fracture on the side of the compression that can result to swelling and pain.

This type of fracture can occur due to various mechanisms. In some cases, it can be caused by an unexpected trauma or fall. The cause might also be related to a disease such as cancer.

The tendency of individuals to stretch out their arms to help break a fall is one of the main causes of a buckle fracture in the bones such as the ulna and radius. Additionally, a buckle fracture can also be caused by a blunt trauma or mishap but it is uncommon to occur.

What are the risk factors?

Cases of buckle fractures typically occur among young children and the elderly. There is higher risk to young children due to the fact that their bones are still soft and are more likely to buckle due to their flexibility. As for the elderly, osteoporosis will increase the risk not just to this type of fracture but to all types. The key is to observer proper nutrition to ensure good bone health and strength.

Diagnosing a buckle fracture

The doctor will request for an X-ray in order to come up with a diagnosis of a buckle fracture. The results of an X-ray will reveal that one side of the bone has buckled against the other without resulting to a total break.

Always remember that buckle fractures are often confused with greenstick fractures which occur from the same impact but break partially on the opposite side of compression end.

Treating a buckle fracture

The basic first aid for a buckle fracture involves the application of a soft cast. The cast will help promote the healing process by stabilizing the bone while minimizing the swelling to help relieve the pain. As long as proper treatment is provided, a buckle fracture can completely heal within a span of three weeks. If the individual wants to resume his/her activities as well as exercise, it is important to consult a doctor first so that clearance is provided.


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