Armpit rash: How is it treated?

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An armpit rash can appear as bumpy, scaly or red or white in appearance. There are various causes and different treatment options. It is important to note that the armpit is the usual site for irritation. Pinpointing the cause of the rash can help in finding relief.

A rash can last for several hours up to months. In most cases, the rashes are easily managed with home measures or over-the-counter remedies. Nevertheless, it is vital to determine the cause before taking action to treat and avert future rashes.

The rashes triggered by warm weather generally settle quickly. As for those caused by lifestyle or skin conditions, they might last longer and require specific treatment options.

An armpit rash can appear as bumpy, scaly or red or white in appearance.

What are the types of armpit rash?

  • Contact dermatitis – this skin reaction occurs if exposed to an irritant or allergen.
  • Atopic dermatitis – this generally starts in childhood and likely to form in the body folds such as the back of the knee, interior of the elbows or armpits. It is typically itchy, red and crust over.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis – this is a form of skin irritation triggered partly by excess production of sebum. It manifests as oily patches of scales or flakes that are white or yellow in appearance.
  • Candida – this is a fungus or yeast infection that typically affects moist areas including the armpits.


There are various remedies that can help deal with an armpit rash.

Home remedies

An armpit rash can be managed with ingredients at home such as:

  • Apply an ice pack against the rash to lessen the itchiness.
  • Slice a lemon and slide it over the armpit skin to eliminate bacteria.
  • Coconut, lavender or tea tree oil can reduce the irritation and itchiness as well as deal with fungal infections.

Over-the-counter remedies

Calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream are both effective as home treatment for an armpit rash that triggers inflammation and irritation.

For a candida rash or other form of fungal rash, the management includes over-the-counter anti-fungal treatments containing clotrimazole, ketoconazole or nystatin.

Anti-chafing powders can be used to lessen the discomfort caused by an armpit rash. These powders work by lessening the discomfort and irritation caused by skin that rub against itself in the underarm region. It works by making the rash more bearable until other treatments can be used.

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