Best Sources for getting CPR training

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The first few minutes of any kind of emergency condition is very crucial. If this

CPR Chest Compressions
CPR Chest Compressions

vital time is well managed, then you may save someone’s life. For performing a good CPR it is essential that you get CPR training from a well certified institute which can provide you with the best instructors and give a detailed view about the method.  A good CPR training institute will allow you to learn from the basics and let you reach extreme levels of different CPR methodologies.

The article will give you details about the two best sources of getting CPR training and other popular sources for CPR training.

CPR training from American Heart Association and workplace approved

These two institutes have a well established program structure and faculties for giving hands- on training in CPR. ASA is the body which provides the guidelines for the CPR courses and also researches on better CPR techniques. Victoria First Aid follows the AHA methodologies and adopts their approach.

The American Heart Association provides a wide range of course structure in both live and online classroom program modes. The certification is valid for two years whereas the courses provided by AHA gives a certification which is valid for only one year. At an average, both the courses are equally popular and the training is given by world class instructors.

CPR training programs that are covered by the AHA are –Courses for AED/CPR for general public or for corporates and students. They also provide with child and infant module which is optional in their course structure.

CPR training programs that are covered by workplace approved are –First aid emergency drills, CPR for organizations and schools, lifeguard instructor and special programs like disaster training.

It doesn’t really matters much if you choose any one of them as each course is specially designed and the course contents are interlinked and follow each other.

Other CPR training courses

Apart from these two major training centers, there are other popular institutes that provide CPR training. Most of the times, it is better to choose a course in which you can attend live classrooms as in the present time, many unrecognized courses have come into existence which do not follow basic guidelines of a practical CPR. Some other well recognized CPR training courses are –British workplace approved and International workplace approved. Private online classroom programs that are quiet popular are –CPR today and programs of St. John’s Canada. The latter provides innovative programs in CPR and First Aid management training.

One needs to be careful in choosing private courses, especially courses that are available online. If you are not provided with a proper guide and approach, then you can turn the lifesaving approach into a disastrous approach.

In a nutshell, it is advisable to undergo a CPR training course that is certified and well recognized. A certified course from a good institute shall become a mandatory requirement when you are aiming to establish a career in this field.

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