Hand cramps

Broken hand

Fact Checked

A broken hand is considered as a common form of fracture. Most injuries to the hand are quite evident with the following indications:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Weakness
  • Misalignment of the finger
  • Diminished ability to grasp
  • Diminished range of motion of the fingers

When to seek medical care

Since the hands are vital in almost any activity, a doctor should be consulted for any injury unless it is relatively minor. It is vital to ensure that there is no lasting damage to the hands.

Self-care measures for a broken hand

Broken hand
Since the hands are vital in almost any activity, a doctor should be consulted for any injury unless it is relatively minor.

Essentially, any injury to the hand expect for the minor ones must be assessed by a doctor. Simple first aid measures can prevent further injury.

  • Manage the bleeding by applying a clean towel or gauze pad on the wound and place direct pressure.
  • Once an injury has transpired, apply an ice pack wrapped with a clean cloth or towel to reduce the pain and swelling.
  • Get rid of any jewelry on the affected hand right away. Remember that the hand might swell significantly and it will be hard to remove any jewelry once the swelling starts. If jewelry is left in place, it might be cut off since it can impede the circulation to the fingers.
  • If the broken hand is deformed, provide support by placing it on a pillow.
  • Provide the individual with pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen as instructed to alleviate the pain and inflammation.


Due to the complex structure of the hand, the treatment for a broken hand includes the following:

  • An X-ray is performed to assess the extent of the injury.
  • The affected hand might be partly numbed by injecting the nerves located the wrist or at the base of the finger. If wounds are present, they are carefully irrigated and assessed.
  • Any wounds or cuts are repaired.
  • The doctor might prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk for infection.
  • The injured area may be immobilized with a splint.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a broken hand is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage fractures including a broken hand by taking a standard first aid course with Victoria First Aid.

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