
Diaper rash

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Diaper rash is a common skin issue among infants and young children. This usually occurs if the skin stays moist, being rubbed against a diaper and being in contact with chemicals in the stool and urine. The affected skin turns reddened, raw, burned or scalded. While the rash can cause discomfort, it is not a serious issue.

The rash often occurs among infants between 9-12 months old. Those who are usually affected are infants who sleep for long hours without waking, thus the soiled diaper is used for a longer time. In addition, it can develop at any age if diapers or incontinence briefs are used.

Home care measures

Diaper rash
The rash often occurs among infants between 9-12 months old.

Treatment at home is enough for most cases of diaper rash. Once the initial sign of the rash is observed, you can perform these measures:

  • Keep the skin dry and ensure that it is not exposed to stool and urine. Make sure that the diapers are changed if soiled. During daytime, check the diaper every 3 hours. It is required to change during night time to avert or allow an existing rash to settle. Remember that it is not uncommon to replace a diaper up to 8 times in a 24-hour time frame.
  • Carefully clean the diaper area using warm water and a soft cloth. Rinse properly and dry entirely. Avoid using any soap unless +the area is significantly soiled. Only use a mild soap is needed. If baby wipes are used, do not use those that contain alcohol or propylene glycol especially if the rash is present.
  • Try to leave diapers off as much as possible.
  • The healthy skin adjacent the rash should be protected with a cream such as zinc oxide.
  • If disposable products are used, you should pleat the plastic zone away from the body and do not place one too tightly.
  • Increase the intake of fluids so that the urine produced is less concentrated.

What are the symptoms to watch out for?

A doctor should be consulted if any of the following develop during treatment at home:

  • The rash in the diaper area appears like a rash on other parts of the body
  • Symptoms become significantly severe or recurrent
  • Indications of infection are present

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