How to draw out infection at home

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There are home remedies that utilize common household foods or substances in order to manage certain conditions. The use of these home remedies does not require much expertise or skill and they typically cause minimal side effects. The remedies to draw out infection at home include household items such as warm rags, herbal tea bags and even staple food items such as milk, potatoes, onions or bread.

Purpose of drawing out infection

By drawing out infection, it essentially applies to superficial infections on the skin that occur in the form of an infected hair follicle or a pimple or in cases where the infection goes deeper to form an abscess or boil.

Staphylococcus bacteria have been the common cause of these infections which develop once an open wound provides an entryway for these organisms. The immune system of the body will produce pus as a result of the infection. The pus should be drawn out or drained so that the infection can heal properly.

Drawing out infection
A warm compress is a commonly used home remedy to help draw out an infection.


The two highly effective ways of drawing out an infection involves the use of a heat compress or using poultices.  The warm compress can effectively help ripen the abscess. As for the poultices, they utilize the drawing power of the food or herb to draw out infections. The moist heat of a warm compress will promote the collection of pus and germs under the skin to move upward and eventually drain out.

The poultices utilize substances that naturally possess drawing power or the capability to utilize components within the herb that produces an outlet for the substances to drain. By gently urging the compress, it can cause the boil to drain on its own but if not, a doctor should be consulted.

How compresses work?

A warm compress is a commonly used home remedy to help draw out an infection. The compresses can be easily prepared by using warm water on a cloth or towel that is applied on the infected area. The tea compresses utilize warm tea that was prepared from boiling herbs.

How poultices work?

A poultice is basically a paste that is made out of mashed foods, herbs or other materials and includes water, oil or other liquid. Take note that poultices are commonly used since they are easy to prepare.

Several poultices are required to draw out superficial infections. It is recommended to use raw, grated potato poultices as well as those made out of warmed milk and bread. Even onion or plantain poultices are highly recommended for drawing out infections effectively.

Recommended usage

The tea or warm compress should be applied over a boil for 10-15 minutes at 3-4 times in a day. As for poultices, they should be placed directly on the skin and covered with a clean towel or cloth and wrapped using plastic. The poultice must be changed every 3-4 hours or until it dries out completely.

Just remember that an infection that does not ripen with home remedies must not be popped manually. Take note that popping the lesion without medical supervision can result to other health issues such as infection and not advised. If you want to learn more about infections, read here.

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