Can caffeine cause tension headaches?

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When an individual experiences a headache, the pain can put him/her on hold. It is important to note that there are various types of headaches with various causes, symptoms and oftentimes different remedies. A tension headache is one of these types of headaches. It is reported that a tension headache is the most common form of headache and the pain comes and goes or it can manifest continuously.

Close look on tension headaches

Tension headaches can occur due to tight muscles in the shoulders, scalp, neck or jaw. In addition, depression, stress or anxiety can be factors why a tension headache occurs. It is important to note that they are more likely to occur if the individual lacks sleep, consumption of drugs or alcohol or missing out on meals.

Some individuals clench their teeth or grind the jaw that can occur while at sleep without even being aware of it or holding the head in one position for extended periods of time can also be factors for the development of a tension headache.

Tension headaches can occur due to tight muscles in the shoulders, scalp, neck or jaw.

Individuals who work at computers or microscopes or those who have poor sleeping positions can also suffer from headaches. A tension headache commonly affects both sides of the head and can start at the back of the head and spread forward. The muscles in the neck, shoulders and jaw might feel sore as if under a tight band or vise.

Link between caffeine and headaches

Caffeine is known to increase the frequency of various kinds of headaches. It is vital to note that large consumption of caffeine can lead to an increased frequency of headaches. On the other hand, in a study conducted, it revealed that ibuprofen along with caffeine actually aided in relieving tension headaches.

Dual nature of caffeine

How can caffeine help relieve tension headaches or make them worse? The answer is how caffeine works as well as its addictive properties. Take note that caffeine is utilized in pain medications since it makes them more effective. Caffeine is known to improve the absorption of the medications so that they act more rapidly.

The only drawback is that caffeine is addictive. It simply means that if the individual is used to consuming it on a regular basis whether from tea, coffee, sodas, medications or chocolate, and then stops, it can lead to withdrawal symptoms which include headaches. In addition, frequent use of any medication can cause a rebound headache. The only way to deal with rebound headaches is to stop the use of the medication entirely.

Important considerations to bear in mind

If the individual suffers from tension headaches, there are certain factors such as working conditions, pillow used as well as the amount of stress present. Even though the individual might want to become caffeine-free, try to taper off instead of stopping abruptly to prevent withdrawal. In case the tension headaches are recurrent and intense, a doctor should be consulted.

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