Can running cause internal middle foot pain?

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There are various foot conditions brought about by running that results to middle foot pain. Based on the original cause, the root of the discomfort can be a stress fracture involving the foot bones or distended and irritated tendons.

Most issues cause swelling, pain and oftentimes bruising. Regular running, wearing inappropriate footwear and lack of rest to recover between running sessions can increase the risk for foot issues.

Common causes of internal middle foot pain

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a usual cause of foot pain among runners that arises if the fascia in the base of the foot is inflamed. The fascia is a ligament that absorbs the shock from high-impact activities and supports the arch.

A metatarsal stress fracture involves a miniature crack in the long bones running via the middle of the foot to the toes.

If the force on the fascia is too high, it develops tears and becomes irritated. An individual is prone to plantar fasciitis as he/she ages and if he/she has a high arch or flat foot.

Metatarsal stress fracture

A metatarsal stress fracture involves a miniature crack in the long bones running via the middle of the foot to the toes. In case the bones are not given time to recuperate and generate new cells between sessions, they end up fatigued and fractured. A fracture causes swelling and foot pain that worsens with every workout.

Extensor tendinitis

This condition develops if the extensor tendons running across the upper part of the foot are inflamed. These tendons are responsible for flexing the toes up and might end up irritated with excessive tension on the top of the foot.

It is a usual cause for foot pain among those involved in running and hiking since the shoes are oftentimes laced too tightly.


When managing foot pain, the root cause should be identified. Most of the underlying causes of foot pain can be managed by taking a break from running and other high-impact activities as well as changing the footwear being used.

Other treatment options include pain medications, orthotics, splints, corticosteroid injections and physical therapy.

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