Spinal muscle spasm: What are the causes?

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A spinal muscle spasm is one of the reasons many individuals consult a doctor. The spine is comprised of vertebrae along with the sponge-like discs in between them. The spine is surrounded by a variety of muscles that regulate its movement. If a spasm arises, it is an involuntary contraction of a muscle that can be prolonged or intermittent and often tender and debilitating.

Common causes of spinal muscle spasm


An individual who is involved in a vehicular accident is likely to experience spinal muscle spasm. Once the muscles are torn or strained, inflammation arises which can result spasms.

Strains on the back muscles is likely to occur in sports such as golf, weightlifting, basketball, football and baseball where rapid, abrupt movements are performed. The spinal muscle spasm might be a way in which the body immobilizes the area where an injury occurred to prevent additional damage.

An individual who is involved in a vehicular accident is likely to experience spinal muscle spasm.

Poor posture

Poor posture can trigger back pain. Take note that chronic poor posture can cause the muscles to become overly strained for extended periods of time and leads to tightening.

The corresponding muscles on the opposing side weaken and result to additional stress since they could not perform their task in maintaining posture and correct movement. The continued stress on the muscle fibers causes damage, inflammation and eventually spinal muscle spasm.

Dysfunction of the joint

Dysfunction of the spinal joint is also a cause for spinal muscle spasm. The spinal joints that are not properly functioning can cause issues in the adjacent soft tissues.

The joints in the spine are designed to move and need movement for proper joint health. If the muscles that link to each of these joints are strained due to poor alignment, they are damaged.

Muscular dysfunction

The muscles in the legs, specifically the hamstrings often end up tight and rigid which can add up to the spasms in the lower back. Other muscle groups in the body such as the abdominal and gluteal muscles can be weakened. Both muscles can affect the role and stability of the lumbar spine. The tightness and weakness lead to further stress and eventually spinal muscle spasm.

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