First Aid



Stomatitis is a sore or inflammation within the mouth. The sore can form in the gums, cheeks, inside the lips or on the tongue. The main forms of stomatitis include: Herpes stomatitis or cold sore Aphthous stomatitis or canker sore What are the causes? An infection with the herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) virus can […]

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Extensor tendonitis

Extensor tendonitis

Extensor tendonitis involves inflammation of the foot tendons. This is likely to occur if the individual has spent some time on his/her feet or wearing shoes that are too tight. If it affects the hands, it is generally due to excessive use of the tendons in a short span of time or from activities

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Ear bleeding

Ear bleeding

Ear bleeding has a variety of possible causes where some can be alarming. Generally, a doctor should be consulted if the individual experiences bleeding from the ear to determine the root cause. What are the causes? Generally, there are various injuries or conditions can lead to ear bleeding. Ruptured eardrum Consequently, a tear in the

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Hemothorax occurs if blood builds up amidst the chest wall and the lungs. The buildup of volume of blood in the pleural cavity can lead to the collapse of the lung as the blood pushes on the outside of the lung. The buildup of blood in the chest has a variety of causes. It is

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