Uveitis involves inflammation of the middle layer of the eye. The middle layer of the eye or uvea includes the iris, choroid and ciliary body. This part is vital since it is comprised of several veins and arteries that transport blood to the parts of the eye that are vital for vision.
The indications of uveitis might include the following:
- Eye redness
- Eye pain
- Blurred vision
- Light sensitivity
It might be linked with systemic inflammatory diseases or arise after an eye injury.
The condition can permanently impair the eyesight and even lead to blindness. Uveitis might develop rapidly which is why it is vital to consult an ophthalmologist for a thorough eye examination if these symptoms develop, especially if a painful, red eye does not settle quickly. If not treated, uveitis can damage vision permanently.
What are the causes?
Uveitis has various causes including infections by fungus, virus, bacteria or parasites. It might be linked with systemic inflammatory diseases or arise after an eye injury. On the other hand, several cases do not have a known cause.
How is it diagnosed
If an individual has indications of uveitis, it is vital to consult a doctor right away. The ophthalmologist will perform a thorough assessment of the eyes. Laboratory tests might be requested including an X-ray or blood test.
Management of uveitis
Due to the serious nature of uveitis, treatment must be started immediately. For non-infectious cases, the ophthalmologist might prescribe eye drops that contain steroids to minimize the swelling along with a dilating eye drop to reduce the pain.
Antibiotics are given to individuals with infectious uveitis. For light sensitivity, dark glasses might be suggested. As for severe cases, other medications might be prescribed by the doctor.
Potential complications of uveitis might include cataracts, glaucoma, fluid within the retina, abnormal blood vessel growth and vision loss. Prompt diagnosis and treatment by an ophthalmologist can help in avoiding vision loss.